January 15, 2018

         The Board of Directors of the Greenhill Farms Civic Association (“GFCA”) met on Monday evening, January 15, 2018 at the Johnson-Bowden residence at 7020 Greenhill Road.  Attendance was noted as below:
PRESENT: Trudy Sheau, Gladys Wallis, Tom Boggia, Philip Hawkins, Sherry Pirillo, Cheryl Wecksler and Steve Johnson
ABSENT: Jennifer Caviglia, Gretchen Bedford

Call to order

The meeting was called to order by Ms. Sheau at approximately 7:15 p.m.

1. Treasurer’s report

The Board was advised by written report from Ms. Sheau that the current balance in GFCA’s account is approximately $5800.00.  Arrangements to fix logistics surrounding access to the checking account were discussed resulting in the reappointment of Mr. Boggia as Assistant Treasurer.

Old Business

2. Social Media

After discussion, it was decided that Ms. Bedford will support Mr. Hawkins in his capacity as Webmaster by undertaking management of GFCA’s Facebook account.

3. MLK Clean-up
The Board reviewed the MLK Day of Service clean-up project in Morris Park on and immediately off 72nd Street. The consensus was that the turnout was respectable, being in the neighborhood of 20 – 25 persons at various times and that visible progress was made in improving the general appearance of the clean-up area.

New Business

4. January 28 Community Meeting
Discussion turned to planning for the January 28, 2018 Winter Meeting of the GFCA community, which is to be held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Overbrook Presbyterian Church.

a. There was some discussion of whether some form of child care needed to be provided for the meeting.  The Board concluded that attendance was not likely to be impacted one way or the other and that child care was unnecessary.
b. It was agreed that name tags and refreshments will be provided consisting of water and sodas, with food (snacks) being contributed by Board members on a volunteer basis.
c. The community will be advised in advance that 2018 dues and 2017 dues arrearages swill be collected.
d. A “suggestion box” will be in included at the meeting site.
e. A tentative agenda was agreed upon.

5. 2017 Winter Social Tentative Agenda

a. Mr. Johnson will present a brief GFCA “mission” outline
b. New Board members will be solicited.
c. A financial report will be presented, and a copy provided to members
d. State Representative Morgan Cephas will speak.
e. Subject to time considerations, the floor will be opened for the raising of any specific community concerns.
f. This agenda will be finalized and included in a community meeting flyer to be prepared by Ms. Wecksler.
List of local  tradesmen

6. A discussion took place over whether GFCA should create and maintain a list of local tradesmen as identified by community members’ prior experiences.  It was noted that the Overbrook Farms Club maintains such a list.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Johnson