Hello neighbors,
The meeting was well attended with several neighbors stating it was their first time coming to a PSA 1 meeting.
Sgt. Stephen Holts stood in for Lt. Gross. Due to the late stand in there were no crime stats reported for the month. A summary sheet of the monthly PSA 1 crime report has again been requested for future meetings (sample attached). Thanks to Angela for pulling the aggregate crime reports . I believe the #2 in the amber circle in the crime report on Greenhill Farms grid represents the theft from autos this month (report attached) .
Sgt. Holts is very experienced and has come back to the 19th after some time at the ATF. He heads up the Under Cover Response Team and also Narcotics Enforcement Team for the District. He committed to taking direct action on some of the requests below as they fall under his responsibilities.
- Black food truck on Lancaster near 61st. (U haul place) operating late into the night with lots of people loitering. Police will investigate.
- 2 bike cops have been assigned to the illegal truck parking and are writing tickets along the problem areas such as Lancaster Ave corridor.
- Tire slashing still under investigation. So far there are videos of criminals but no suspects.
- Stabbing death at Lansdowne and Felton. Thought to be the store owner who was slashed in the face during a robbery. Under investigation.
- Overbrook Presbyterian Church reports they are now having to lock the doors due to suspicious folks approaching and disrupting Sunday School and possibly stealing from purses in areas of the church. Reports of some people lurking and sleeping under the stairs and in corners of the building. Officers Devine and Mason have been visible but the problem is ongoing when they are not present. Difficult problem of wanting to minister to those in need and also protect the parishioners and children at the day care and Sunday School.
- The homeless encampment near Papa playground 66th and Malvern near Lebanon continues to be a problem. Suspected maybe some of those folks may also be coming to the church and causing problems?
- Neighbor living on Sherwood 6400 (near Lancaster) reports continued problems with speeders and reckless drivers on Sherwood. Has had to put cones in the street at times to force folks to slow down. Very dangerous situation all the way up and down Sherwood from 63rd to 71st. Police will investigate and enforce. Already seeing enforcement of illegal right turn on 71st off City Ave. this morning. Thank you!
- Neighbor reported a child was hit by a car on 6300 Woodbine this month. Traffic enforcement is a serious problem in this area of PSA 1. Continued investigation and enforcement necessary to change driver behavior. Suggested signs could be added via streets dept. and a traffic study done to get traffic pillows in the area.
- Reported that at one time we had signs posted “no entry on Sherwood” at certain high traffic times heading south near the guard house at Morris Park.
- Report of drug activity 6100 Oxford. Police suggested “selective enforcement” of known drug houses and stash cars that have been reported regularly. Can also be reported to the Nuisance Neighbor Task Force
- 603 N 66th is suspected drug house with people coming and going all hours. Police will investigate.
- Apartments on 6100 Oxford having noise and party issues that are disrupting the peace in the area. Suggested to call 911 and get a police report also can report to the Nuisance Neighborhood Task Force.
- ATV’s are a problem again now that weather is breaking. Police can’t chase on the road but can confiscate if they know the location where the ATVs are being stored or gathering. Need to report to police. There is an ATV task force working on the problem and they are confiscating these illegal vehicles.
- Shooting on 66th and Lebanon on 3/14. No info or update on that crime.
- Updates on crimes in the District can be found on the website: https://www.phillypolice.com/districts/19th/index.html
- Reminded of the Captain’s meeting 3rd Monday every month at the 19th District.
- Rep. Morgan Cephas sponsoring a “Night Market” 6/20 from 6 to 10 PM along Lancaster near 63rd. More info to come.
- Next PSA 1 meeting will be held at Rose Playground 75th and Lansdowne Ave. April 26 @ 7:00 PM.
Rob Bedford