* Lt. Gross moderated meeting for Lt. Wardlaw. Good to have you back Lt. Gross!
* Lt. Gross heads up the tactical squad and narcotics squad in PSA 1.
* Last 2 weeks have been relatively quiet in most sections of PSA. No serious violent crimes, there were some domestics and TFA ( theft from autos). Please lock cars and don’t leave phones sunglasses etc in plain view in car.
* Prior week was much more serious with 2 separate homicides in the PSA.
* Prior week was much more serious with 2 separate homicides in the PSA.
* 2000 N 59th St. 56 year old man found shot in chest and back. Crime happened @5:00 pm, no suspect at this time.
* Three young people were shot in the 300 block of Simpson St. Homicide. Ages 17, 17 and 15. One deceased at the scene from shots in neck and back. 2 guns recovered ( 45 cal. And 9 mm) one of these guns was forensically linked to different shooting incident 2 days prior. Police are aware of the likely suspects who are doing these random shootings in that neighborhood. Suspected to be over drug sales ( marijuana mostly) police are frustrated with lack of witnesses willing to come forward . They believe there are several witnesses to both crimes. Suspects are known to police but they need witnesses to come forward ( can call crime stoppers hotline to remain anonymous ) Police have pulled evidence from social media from such anonymous sources). Increased police resources deployed to Simpson St.. Hoping to get more witnesses to come forward so they can make arrests.
* Neighbors believe most of trouble makers do not live on the block on Simpson St.
* Loitering offense is no longer being enforced by PPD ( considered by city attorneys as unconstitutional to stop people for loitering or just standing around). When you call 911 to report these suspicious ” people loitering” please be more specific to operator such as “preventing access to street or to bus stop or business, etc. ” report if you see drugs or alcohol being consumed or any other illegal activity that would make the nuisance call more than simply loitering dispatch.
* Several commercial burglaries committed along 7500 block of Haverford ( from Metro PCS to the Adult Day Care) In first 2 weeks of May. Lt. Gross’s 5 squad team has a special burglary task force to do surveillance with unmarked vehicles plus online monitoring etc.. Goal is to identify and arrest these burglars. At least five businesses have been hit this month on 7500 block of Haverford. Suspects caught on video are African American males wearing dark clothes and masks.
* 6300 Callowhill St. Armed robbery. Victim lost his bike and $14. He was not willing to cooperate with police.
* Area called “the box” from 52nd to 63rd between Market and Race Sts. Is getting most of the resources in the 19th District due to increased serious and violent crime rates. Marijuana sales believed to be driving many of the gun involved crimes in the box.
* Lt. Gross informed us the 19th District officers have taken 72 illegal guns off the street in last four months!
* Neighbors report 800 block of Flanders Rd. ( at 66th between Landsdown and Malvern) doing drug sales and using unregistered cars to stash drugs.
* Quads and dirt bikes are a problem again this time of year. Two dirt bike officers deployed now to patrol Morris Park and other areas of PSA 1.
* Friendly reminder to not tell people on social media you are on vacation or you may be victimized while bad guys know you are not home. Tell neighbors when you will be gone. Have someone bring in trash cans, fliers, mail, etc. so you are not an obvious target.
Upcoming meetings are:
- June – Fellowship Christian Church 6101 W. Oxford Street – NEW LOCATION!
- July – Outdoor (TBD) maybe Overbrook School for the Blind?
- August/September/October – AECST, 6361 Lancaster Avenue
Rob Bedford